We couldn't stop there as the case looked a bit like a 'cut-n-shut' with the front bezel silver and the rest camouflaged. What we needed was some more vinyl to cover the front.
The beauty of the Lian-Li PC60 is that the front bezel is just a single piece of aluminium bent into a U shape making it very easy to cover with the CaseSkin. By removing the plastic ends and buttons the skin was applied and the holes for drives and switches cut out with a knife.

Now the fun begins! Two hundred separate air holes in the front bezel were now covered with vinyl. So with my craft knife at hand I took on the laborious task of cutting them out. An hour or so later I had finished but with the prospect of having to do it all over again for the second case.

With the bezel covered and the ventilation holes cut it was time to put the cases back together.
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